Water-soluble Oil Painting Supplies
Water-soluble Oil Painting materials list below for people shopping in person. Please read this page before buying cart on Dick Blick.
The Prefilled cart above is a minimum viable painting kit—you can add more brushes or canvases. If you are a beginner, please talk with me about more colors—you don’t need as many as you think, since color mixing is a big part of this class. A sketchbook for notes and ideas and preliminary sketches is a great idea, just paper and pencil is fine too. You don’t have to learn to draw as a part of painting, you have the honor and priviedge of drawing or learning to draw. Everyone starts where they are. Read on for a Materials list that is not an online shopping cart.
Good Brands:
Cobra Oils
Daler-Rowney soluble oils
Bad brand is Winton from Windsor-Newton—it is too cheap to be useful. Please don’t buy it. White is the exception. It’s okay if you already have some. Artist’s Loft paints are also too cheap to use. We also decided DUO Holbein oils are too sticky and gooey to be fun. DUO are good quality, just hard to use.
Essential colors—1-2 oz tubes, please, except white, which should be the larger tube size, usually 4 oz.:
Oil painting medium: Water soluble painting gel, or water soluble linseed oil, or water-soluble liquin.
1 Titanium white, 4 oz. tube.
1 Cadmium yellow, or cadmium yellow hue, 2 oz. tube,
Indian yellow or cadmium yellow deep or Hansa yellow deep, Hues, which are a cheaper copy of the original, more expensive pigments are fine for our purposes. 2 oz. tube.
1 Cadmium red light or red light hue, 2 oz. tube.
1 Magenta or Quinacridone Red, 2 oz. tube.
1 Cerulean blue, 2 oz. tube.
1 Ultramarine blue, 2 oz. tube.
Optional and fun colors:
1 Cobalt blue, 4 oz. tube.
1 Dioxazine purple, 4 oz. tube.
A few Flat or Bright bristle brushes-- 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch wide, also labeled as No. 2 and 4. Hair or fur brushes are too wimpy for acrylic and oil; they are intended for watercolor and classical painting techniques.
A 12 x 16 or 16 x 20-inch palette made of glass, acrylic, smooth wood. No palettes with separations—those are for watercolor.
Cheap canvas panels about 12 x 12 or a bit larger for practice. A canvas paper pad is also fine. You will need tape to put it on a board for painting. Fredrix or Artist's Loft are both reasonable and inexpensive brands for painting surfaces.
Masking tape
Required: Paper towels-- Painters like Viva. The paper towels in the studio just don't work very well.
Required: Paper grocery bag to use as a trash can.
One small palette knife for scraping the palette and mixing paint, no. 8, 11, or 14.
Plastic wrap if you want to save paint between sessions.
Flat boxes for the car for transporting wet paintings—pizza boxes or frame boxes work well.
Larger equipment needed for field painting:
Travel easel
Paint-smeared car or bicycle, or your neighborhood.