Fine Art in Color

Drawing: Beginning and Beyond

Drawing: Beginning and Beyond | Draft Syllabus- 10 Class Meeting Outline

  • Class 1) Proportion and perspective.
    Negative space + tilt lines + Durer’s (imaginary) Window = accurate drawing. How to make
    three dimensional subjects translate to the two dimensions of drawings. Upside-down drawings.
  • Class 2) Negative space and composition.
    Draw what isn’t there. Negative space and composition studies. Seeing things in black and
    white and arranging them in your picture plane. Also, a drawing by touch exercise, which seems
    weird, but turns out awesome drawings.
  • Class 3) Line and mass drawing
    spontaneous gestural drawing and controlled contours. The intricacies of line. Line vs. mass
    drawing. Changing our ideas of things into true observation.
  • Class 4) The Value of values
    Bones and Skulls, dark darks, and light lights. Using the full power of your materials. Separating
    color from value. Value is cake, color is frosting. Different ways to shade things. Making a gray
    scale with the specific media you are using.
  • Class 5) Color Materials Introduction
    Meet the Watercolors, color theory, testing out the materials. Making and using a color wheel,
    and why.
  • Class 6) The Value of Colors.
    The intrinsic value of a color. Color Theory and color charts. Watercolor Demonstrations
    and trials. Meet Mud, Meet Chalkiness and what to do about them.
    Class 7) the Color of Values
    Using different values and textures to depict color in black and white drawings.
  • Class 8) Watercolor or colored pencil drawings.
    How to use water-soluble pencils. Laying water color over pen and ink drawings and other
    mixed-media marvels.
  • Class 9) Conceptual Drawing
    Using your drawing skills to imagine things-- comic books, political cartoons, illustrations
  • Class 10) Drawing from secondary sources
    Using photos, sketches or public domain materials to create a finished piece without falling into
    the usual traps of drawing from anything but life. Sort of a continuation of the previous week.
    Plagiarism and its problems.